google chrome command line
google chrome command line

Simplytypinggoogle-chromeworksfineforme.ItmightnotworkifyouinstalledChromium.chromium-browserisforChromium.,TherearelotsofcommandlineswhichcanbeusedwiththeGoogleChromebrowser.Somechangebehavioroffeatures,othersarefordebuggingorexperimenting. ...,...

How to Open Google Chrome Using CMD on Windows 11?

ToopenGoogleChromeusingCMD,firstopentheCommandPrompt.ThentypestartchromeandpressEnter.ThiswilllaunchChromeonyourWindows ...

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What command should I type to run Chrome from the terminal?

Simply typing google-chrome works fine for me. It might not work if you installed Chromium. chromium-browser is for Chromium.

List of Chromium Command Line Switches « Peter Beverloo

There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. ...

How to get chrome version using command prompt in windows

Look for machine-wide Chrome installs (stable, Beta, and Dev). Get the name, running version (if an update is pending relaunch), and installed version of each.

How do I open a file with Chrome from the command line?

I would like to open a file (index.html) in the current directory with Google Chrome or Chromium from a bash terminal (I'm using Linux Mint 15).

How to run Chrome apps via command line? - linux

To find the command that runs the app: Go to the Chrome Apps page ( chrome://apps ) Right click an icon and create shortcut on the desktop. ...


When I launch Chrome from a command-line with --new-window command it opens the address in a Chrome new window, and takes focus.

List of Command Line switches for google

I want to script a bunch of commands for some of my clients, so they don't have to worry, just run the script and the web page comes up.

Run Chromium with command

Right click on your Chrome shortcut. · Choose properties. · At the end of your Target: line add the command-line switch. · With that example flag, it should ...

How to Open Google Chrome Using CMD on Windows 11?

To open Google Chrome using CMD, first open the Command Prompt. Then type start chrome and press Enter. This will launch Chrome on your Windows ...

List of Google Chrome command line switches

Type chrome.exe followed by the space-key, and then the command line switches you want to run. Note that they always begin with two dashes.


Simplytypinggoogle-chromeworksfineforme.ItmightnotworkifyouinstalledChromium.chromium-browserisforChromium.,TherearelotsofcommandlineswhichcanbeusedwiththeGoogleChromebrowser.Somechangebehavioroffeatures,othersarefordebuggingorexperimenting. ...,Lookformachine-wideChromeinstalls(stable,Beta,andDev).Getthename,runningversion(ifanupdateispendingrelaunch),andinstalledversionofeach.,Iwouldliketoop...